The “Dosa Wars” in Bengaluru are intensifying as the city’s beloved Central Tiffin Room (CTR) has opened a new outlet at Kempegowda International Airport’s Terminal 2 (T2). Known for its iconic Benne Masala Dosa, CTR’s entry into the airport is expected to delight food lovers and travelers alike, bringing the taste of one of Bengaluru’s most famous eateries to the heart of the airport.
The new outlet at T2’s arrivals is a much-anticipated addition to the airport’s growing list of food offerings. Satyaki Raghunath, Chief Operating Officer of Bengaluru International Airport, expressed his excitement on social media, sharing how special it felt to see CTR outside the airport. “The best feeling ever – really chuffed to see @ctr1920 outside #T2 at @BLRAirport. As someone who spent all my childhood holidays in Malleswaram, this is just the best feeling. I had my first #BenneMasala today. Delicious!!” he wrote, reflecting the nostalgia and joy many locals feel about this iconic Bengaluru brand.
Additionally, the city is set to see even more competition in the dosa scene, as Rameshwaram Cafe, another popular dosa destination, is expected to open its own outlet at the airport by March 2025. With these two culinary giants setting up shop in close proximity, the competition is bound to bring more excitement to the city’s airport food scene, as well as offer travelers a chance to enjoy authentic Bengaluru dosas before even leaving the city.
These developments mark a new chapter in the evolution of Bengaluru’s food culture, as traditional local eateries gain prominence in international and high-traffic locations like airports.