The Hawker 800XP possesses increased baggage space and user-friendly 15-inch LCD VIP touch screens. Other features include LED cabin lighting, newly-tailored cabin seats and divan, and an updated cabin management system. Thanks to its two TFE731-5BR engines offering 4,660 pounds of thrust, this aircraft is also capable of takeoffs and landings at much shorter runways, with a takeoff distance of 5,032 feet and landing distance of 3,803 feet.
The interior usually seats eight people in a club configuration and a three-person divan. Different cabin soundproofing options are available, but the cabin noise is minimal. The cockpit features GPS, High-frequency communications, Ground Proximity Warning System, TCAS II, and dual autopilot.
Production of the Hawker 800XP ended in 2005, with a total of 426 aircraft being built. 421 of them remain in operation today, 11.9% are for sale on the market. North America operates the largest percentage of the fleet with 75%, and Asia owns 10%. An additional 7% is operated in Europe.
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